I ran across this from NEWSER)– Here's something no one will want to think about too carefully: Is castration linked to longevity? Some researchers think it's possible, especially after discovering that a group of eunuchs, castrated men, lived up to 20 years longer. The study examined records of 80 eunuchs from the Chosun Dynasty, which ruled in Korea from 1392 to 1897, and compared them to records of other men of similar social rank. The study found that the average lifespan of a Korean eunuch was about 70 years, 14 to 19 years longer than for non-castrated men, reports ABC. Three of the eunuchs lived to be more than 100 years old. What's the culprit for an earlier death for men not castrated? Male sex hormones, the researchers believe.
"Our study supports the idea that male sex hormones decrease the lifespan of men," wrote Kyung-Jin Min, an associate professor at Inha University in Inchon, South Korea. The hormones may have a negative effect on the immune system, and "predispose men to adverse cardiovascular attacks," he noted. At least one researcher said other things may be responsible, like a better diet or less stress in the eunuchs' lives. In any case, added another scientist: "I would not recommend becoming a eunuch
News storys Iv been reading!! very disturbing
Does castrating child molesters in the criminal justice system make predators stop preying?
Alabama legislator Steve Hurst wants to force pedophiles to be physically castrated, a drastic measure that goes farther than any other state and ignites fierce arguments with no winning side. The bill would also make molesters pay for the procedure.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2013, 8:19 PM
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Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a Republican, pushed for a 2008 law that allows judges to require chemical or surgical castration of repeat child molesters.
Yet curbing the malevolent predilections of predators with criminal histories is not as simple as prescribing medication or picking up a scalpel, many say.
In California, Orange County Deputy District Attorney Mike Carroll told The News that lowering testosterone levels is not a cure for pedophelia.
“You can use other body parts,” he said. “Fingers, mouths, etc. Castration may lower someone’s sex drive, but it doesn’t lower their risk to offend.”
The Southern California proscecutor’s office has opposed releasing Kevin Reilly, a twice-convicted child molester who volunteered for surgical castration in 2003.
He obtained a court order for the surgery and paid for it himself. After serving sentences for molesting three girls and showing pornography to a boy, he was deemed a sexually violent predator by prosecutors and has been locked up in state mental hospitals since 2000.
Several requests for parole, based on his castration, have been denied.
There are no statistics on the number of men who have volunteered for surgical castration or been given chemical injections.
About 265,000 sex offenders are currently incarcerated in state prisons, according to U.S. Department of Justice figures. Some 750,000 are listed on sex offender registration lists.

The Czech Republic is one of several countries, including Poland, Russia and Argentina, that use castration as a punishment or an option for parole when dealing with repeat child molesters. Antonin Novak, pictured, was sentenced in 2009 to life in prison for molesting and killing a 9-year-old boy.
But just like legal experts, medical professionals can’t agree on whether castrating child molesters within the criminal justice system is a good solution to a pernicious problem.
“There is a role for this in medical practices [with] consenting patients,” said Dr. Fred Berlin, founder of Baltimore's Johns Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic, now known as the Sexual Behavior Consultation Unit, which specalizes in treating pedophiles and others with sexual disorders including voyeurism and exhibitionism.
A 1990s survey of 400 pedophiles who had received clinic treatment including chemical castration showed a recidivism rate of about 8 percent, he said.
“But to do this as punishment is absolutely inappropriate,” he told The News.
Lowering testosterone levels, which in turn lowers libidos, can benefit pedophiles, who by definition are driven by sexual urges toward children.
It wouldn't have much effect on psychopaths or “someone with no sense of moral responsibility — there’s no medicine in the world that is going to instill that in a person,” Berlin said.
Passing castration laws does not address the very real problem of how to treat child molesters in a humane way, he said.
“These seems to have become an issue among legislators who aren't medical experts,” Berlin said.
“What’s behind this is the ‘Let’s just castrate the bastards’ mentality,” he added. “And that doesn’t work very well.”
Mom, dad planned child sex abuse before kids were born
Jonathan and Sarah Adleta were convicted in Orlando; he faces life in prison.
Jonathan and Sarah Adleta's children were doomed to a life of perverse cruelty before they were even born.
Jonathan Adleta, a former Marine officer, dreamed of the day he could have "daddy-daughter sex." After Sarah Adleta became pregnant with a daughter, he said he would marry her only if she agreed to let him carry out that desire. When the couple had a son, Sarah Adleta was expected to have sexual encounters with him.
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