It's finally spring time and time to play out side for FREE
Action Jumping
Each of these rhymes is meant for group jump rope. As everyone chants the rhyme, the jumper jumps while dramatizing the actions.I'm a little Dutch girl dressed in blue.
Here are the things I like to do:
Salute to the captain, bow to the queen,
Turn my back on the submarine.
I can do the tap dance, I can do the splits.
I can do the hokey pokey just like this.
Spanish dancer, do the splits.
Spanish dancer, give a kick.
Spanish dancer, turn around.
Spanish dancer, get out of town. (Jumper runs out.)
Benjamin Franklin went to France
To teach the ladies how to dance.
First the heel and then the toe;
Spin around, and out you go.
47. Do some texture rubbings on leaves, grass, and other items you find outside.
50. Make your own "stomp rocket".Have a happy summer!!
Fuzzy Friends
Present Pointers
You may want to consider buying extra pompoms for this fun and easy project: Glue pompoms onto an old glove to make puppets. Design a different animal for each finger. A great last-minute gift!Time frame: Half to one hour
Level: Easy
What you need:
- One bag of assorted pompoms (Be sure yellow, white, and orange pompoms are included in the assortment, or buy them separately.)
- Tacky or fabric glue
- Scissors
- One piece each of yellow, orange, white, and pink felt
- Bag of plastic eyes
- Pack of pipe cleaner that includes orange
- Bag of plastic hollow Easter eggs (the ones that snap apart)
- For the bunny: Glue two white pompoms together. Cut two hind legs and two bunny ears out of white felt. Glue these to the pompom body. Glue two small eyes to the head.
- For the chick: Glue two yellow pompoms together. Cut a triangular beak out of orange felt and glue it to the face. Glue on two plastic eyes. Use an orange pipe cleaner for the feet: Make a circle out of the middle of the pipe cleaner and glue it to the bottom pompom. Bend the ends of the pipe cleaner into two circles. Pinch the circles in half to form "V" shaped feet.
- For the duck: Glue two white pompoms together. Glue a smaller orange pompom on the mouth area. Cut feet out of orange felt and glue them to the body. Glue two eyes onto the head.
- Place your pompoms in hollow, snap apart, plastic Easter eggs. Put the Easter eggs and leftover supplies in a gift basket and present it to the kids on your list.
Papier-mâché Easter Eggs
If you don't mind a little mess, papier-mâché is a relatively easy medium for creating unusual homemade items. These handcrafted Easter eggs filled with goodies will brighten up any Easter basket.Time frame: Two to three hours plus overnight to dry
Level: Moderately easy
What you need:
- Newspapers
- Five-inch balloon(s)
- Shallow bowl
- 3⁄4 cup flour
- 1⁄2 cup water
- Small wrapped candies
- Masking tape
- Colorful craft paints
- Paintbrush
- Clear acrylic finish spray
- Cover your work area with newspapers or a plastic tablecloth.
- Decide how many eggs you want to make and blow up the balloon(s). Tie a knot in the end(s).
- In a shallow bowl, make a paste from the flour and water. The paste should be thick enough to thoroughly coat a piece of newspaper without dripping off. If the paste is too runny, add more flour; if it's too stiff, add more water.
- Tear or cut a newspaper into one-inch strips. Dip the strips into the flour mixture and run your fingers down the strip to remove excess paste. Paste the strip onto the balloon in a vertical direction, going from the knotted end to the top and back down again. Repeat this process until the balloon is covered. Do not cover the knot of the balloon. Keep a one-inch "hole" in this area to insert the candies. Next add strips horizontally until the balloon is covered with a 1⁄4-inch layer of newspaper. Press the strips to the balloon and rub a layer of the paste over the top to smooth any wrinkles. Allow the egg to dry overnight.
- When the egg is dry, carefully pop the balloon and pull it out through the hole. Fill the egg with wrapped candies and seal the hole with masking tape.
- Paint the egg with colorful craft paints and allow it to dry. Spray the egg with clear acrylic finish spray and allow it to dry thoroughly. The kids could keep the egg to reuse as a decoration for Easter by carefully removing the tape to get to the candies, or they could crack the egg open by hitting it against a hard surface (such as concrete).

- Use white and pink construction paper to cut out bunny-ear shapes: two white and two pink, the pink being slightly smaller.
- Glue the pink ears onto the white ears.
- Glue the ears onto a long strip of construction paper, measure to fit your child's head, and staple the ends together to form a headband.
Easter Basket

- One large, round margarine container (empty)
- Construction paper (at least two colors)
- Scissors
- Elmer's glue
- Stapler
- Easter egg grass
- Jelly beans, chocolate eggs, or other Easter candy
- Cut a piece of construction paper into a rectangle that will fit around the outside of the margarine tub (approximately 4" x 10").
- Fold the rectangle in half (widthwise) in order to "weave" your basket.
- Draw a line (lengthwise) an inch from the top of the open edge of the paper (opposite the folded edge). This is your "stop cutting" line.
- Measure and mark lines an inch apart starting at the folded edge and ending at the "stop cutting" line.
- Cut along the lines you just drew, up to the "stop cutting" line. Then unfold the rectangle.
- Cut 10 four-inch strips of different colored construction paper (1/2" x 4").
- Weave the strips (from top to bottom) in and out of the cuts you made in the rectangle. To hold each strip in place, add a drop of glue at the top and bottom of each woven strip.
- Wrap the woven rectangle around the outside of the margarine tub and glue it in place.
- Cut another strip of paper approximately 8 inches long (1-inch wide) for the basket's handle. Glue the handle over top of margarine tub.
- Your child can decorate her basket with artificial or construction paper flowers. Fill it with Easter grass, candies, and jelly beans.
Banana Bowl
Form two groups for this relay race. Have all the players line up with a banana on a string dangling from their waists and almost touching the ground. As the whistle blows, the first two try to hit a ping-pong ball with the banana, hands-free, to a finish line (about 15 to 20 feet away from the start). The first to the line is the winner.Minefield
This is a communication game (that can be quite educational) where you try to talk your blindfolded teammate through a series of obstacles.What you'll need are blindfolds and a number of moveable obstacles such as balls, chairs, jackets, shoes etc.
Define boundaries. Have the team create a list of things that are detrimental to functioning as a group such as poor communication, anger, jealousy, wrong tools, not listening etc.
For each characteristic/action, throw an object into the playing space, the "minefield."
Have the kids within a group choose partners. One partner is blindfolded at one end of the field. The non-blindfolded partners stand at the opposite end of the field and try to talk their partners through the minefield without them running into any of the obstacles. If the blindfolded partner touches an object they're out and another partner must try. However, once they are blindfolded the other team can move the objects around if they choose. The team with the highest number of successful crossings wins. After the game is over (if you want it to be more educational) ask the players what they learned from the activity? Did the blindfolded people trust their team? Why or why not? Why is good communication important? etc.
Blob Tag
The kids avoid being tagged by the ever-growing and dividing "blob". First, define boundaries. A player is chosen to be 'it' or 'the blob' and the others run. When tagged by 'the blob', the player joins hands with 'the blob' forming a larger blob, and together they continue chasing the others. Once 'the blob' is made of four people, it splits into two blobs (two pairs) and each blob continues chasing the others. The last person caught will then become 'the blob' and the game starts all over again.Capture the Flag
There are two evenly divided teams. Create a boundary line. Each team gets a "flag", it can be a sock, an old t-shirt, etc. Each team has to hide the "flag" somewhere on their side with at least an inch of it showing. The teams try to sneak to the other teams side and find their "flag". People caught on their opponent's side can be tagged. If they are tagged they are sent to jail and can only get out if one of their teammates can come rescue them. Once the teammates grab a hold of one another, they run off to their side without getting tagged and sent back to jail. Who ever gets the opponent team's "flag" first wins the game. This is a lot of fun to play in a very large area, like a park or out in nature. It's also good to have trees around or other objects that people can hide behind.Chasm Bridge
This is an outdoor kid game where two teams must cross the bridge (a bench or log) without falling off. You will need a bench or log which is somewhat narrow and at least five feet long. Divide players into two groups. Place the groups on opposite ends of the 'bridge' (the bench or log). The groups need to pass each other to get to the other side of the chasm. Anyone who falls off goes to the end of their group. First group to pass all their people across wins.Dress up Relay
In this relay race, kids dress up in funny clothes and race to the finish line. Some of the accessories you'll need are hats two hats, two pairs of large pants, two pairs of large shoes, two suit cases, boxes or trash bags, two pairs of sunglasses, two wigs (optional), two ties (already knotted) etc. Determine a starting line and a turn-back line about 15 feet apart. Place each set of clothes in a separate bag or suitcase. Place the suitcases at the start lines. Divide the players into two small groups and line them up at the start line. Blow the whistle or say go! The first players in each line open the suitcase and put on the clothes. They then shut the suit case and run to the turn-back line and then stop, take off the clothes, put them back in the suitcase and carry the suitcase back to the start line where the process starts all over again with the next person. The first team to finish wins. The more clothes you add to this outdoor kid game, the funnier it gets! (You can also put clothes that fit your birthday theme, like pirates clothes, princess clothes etc.).Flour Tag
This is a fun outdoor kid game where you get tagged with flour-filled nylon sacks. Things you'll need are dark shirts and flour nylon stockings (also choose a person to be the referee and determine a jail area). Each player must have a dark T-shirt on (black or navy blue works as well). Give each player a nylon that is filled with flour. Tie the nylon at the end to make it into a ball shape. The group plays tag as normal but players are knocked out by throwing the flour torpedoes at each other. You'll be able to know exactly who has been hit by the flour mark on their shirts. The referee must keep their eye on the players and call out those who are hit to the jail area. Keep a damp rag handy to clean up the shirts between rounds. A variation of this game is "capture the flag" with the two teams posessing a flag at each end of the playing field. Have the teams try to get their opponents flag without being tagged.Water Balloon Toss
This is one of the best summer outdoor kid games in which the players try to catch water balloons! With each successful catch they move farther and farther apart. Pair off players into groups of two and have them face their partner about 3 feet apart. Begin tossing balloons to each other. Every time the balloon is caught the player that caught the balloon takes a step back. Eventually someone is going to get wet! You win by being the farthest apart while still successfully catching the water balloon. Raw eggs also make for lots of laughs.Pass the Orange
This game requires very little: only two oranges (no problem…) and people with both a neck and a chin (now that'll be a bit harder to find…) Divide the group into two teams. Once you say "Go!" the players must pass the orange from neck to neck using only chins and necks. The team that can get the orange to the last neck in line the quickest without dropping the orange wins.Red Devil
This game works best when played around a house or building. Determine a starting line or a home base that you can touch. Players all begin in front of the house. Red Devil is the player who is "it." The Red Devil faces the other players and declares, "I'm thinking of a type of (shoe, car, candy bar, etc.)." The other players then try to guess (in no particular order) what the Red Devil is thinking of (for example if the category is candy bars, they would say things like Butterfingers, Mars, Milky Way etc.). The Red Devil calls out the name of the player who eventually guesses the correct item. Then, the Red Devil and the player who guessed correctly take off running around the house in opposite directions. The first person to make it back to the starting line becomes the Red Devil. (After players get tired, the rules can change to: the first person to get back to the starting line is NOT the Red Devil.)Ice Cube Race
Try to get ice cubes out of a pool using only your feet! What you will need is a small inflatable pool and ice cubes. Split the kids into two teams (or more if you have a lot of players) and choose one team to go first. Designate a timekeeper and have them clock 60 seconds. Have the first team stand barefoot (of course) in the pool. They can stand or sit. The moment you say "Go!", throw 20 large ice cubes into the pool. Now starts the hilarious part of this outdoor kid game. See who can take out the most ice cubes using only their bare feet in the designated. After the 60 seconds have elapsed, have the other teams try and the winner is the team with the most ice cubes out.-
Airplane Party
Army Party
Backwards Party
Barnyard Party
Bowling Party
Celebrity Star
Circus Party
Construction and Bob the Builder Party
Dinosaur Party
Dog Party
Fairy Party
Fashion Makeover Party
Harry Potter Party
Incredibles Birthday
Knights Party
Luau Party
Magic Party
Mystery Party
NASCAR Racing Party
Pirate Party
Princess Party
Safari Party
Scavenger Hunts
Scooby Doo Party
Space Party
Spongebob Party
Sports Party
Spy Detective
Star Wars Party
Superhero Party
Tea Party
Under the Sea and Finding Nemo Party
Wet-n-Wild Pool Party
Wild West Party
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