Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Toddlers the future-It's up to us to do it better!

Tomorrow My son Trentin will start school for the first time ever, Is this a big deal?
 No, It's a huge Deal, this will start his whole Life, it's now time to Mold your child into what he will be for the rest of his whole life...
  So no pressure right??

I feel scared,excited and wonder if i will do this right......
I feel like if I had better opportunities in life I would be somewhere else with my life, like a business owner or a CEO or president of the USA.......
Kids=The future
Kids=The most important thing in the world
All I can do is say, Do your VERY best, put them first, when you are seeing a guy or woman that is using, or not living a good life that you want your child to live someday, Choose your child first, put his needs a head of yours, if you can't then seek help from Sweetser or another counseling agency, Trust me, it will help you and your loving brilliant children!!!!!!!! Please follow me here to see our upcoming events in our lives.. Join us as we walk down new roads to new and better futures...
 Please feel free to give me your input and how you do things different, we need to work together and create a better future for our children, Because they are the future....

My son loves preschool, theirs a free school in every county put them in to get them learning now, my son is 4 years old
Things Learned
Whole Alphabet
washing hands
brushing teeth
Days of the week
and much more!! He loves it he met new friends he has his girlfriend he loves her and ahe loves him and she loves nathen too, i asked how he felt about that he said "it's ok" so yes he is living a dream going to school,
He sings,dances learns new songs daily

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