What should I do if my child wants to eat all the time?
Sandra Bastin
food and nutrition specialist
So don't worry too much about your little bottomless pit. Children are born with an innate sense of how much they need to eat, and you've got to respect these inborn cues. That doesn't mean that you should give your child free rein in the snack closet, but you should offer your child healthy food whenever he's hungry, while making sure that he also gets plenty of physical activity in his day as well.
Here are some suggestions for working with a constant eater:
• Encourage healthy choices. When your child asks for a snack ten times a day, don't let him choose chips all the time. Kids need less fat in their diets than when they were babies, so shoot for about 30 percent of total calories. While chips are an okay snack every once in a while, try to steer your child toward more nutritious choices on a regular basis, like fruit, cheese, and whole grains. Even crackers, popcorn, and pretzels are usually less fattening options.
• Don't force your child to clean his plate. You may think that if you can get your child to eat all of his macaroni now, he won't bug you in a few hours for a snack. But making kids eat when they don't want to is not a good idea. If children are taught to ignore their "I'm full" cues, that can lead to eating problems down the line, including overeating and obesity.
• If your child is using the "I'm hungry" refrain to delay bedtime (a common stalling tactic), offer him a snack one to two hours before bedtime — and then make it clear that the kitchen is closed for the night. In addition, if it seems like your child is using food for psychological reasons, it's probably a cry for attention. Try to spend more time with him individually or make an effort to spend time together as a family.
• Think about choking hazards. While grapes are a great healthy food, they can choke a child this age — so cut them in small pieces before serving. Other choking hazards include peanuts, raisins, and raw carrot pieces. In addition, don't let your child run around when he's eating, as this increases his chances of choking. It's admittedly difficult to get a 3-year-old to sit for a full meal, so make it clear to him that if he gets up to run around, you'll take the food away. Eventually he'll learn to sit still when he wants to eat.
As long as your child isn't overweight (according to the growth charts at the pediatrician's office) and you're offering him nutritious foods, then your child's constant eating is really not a problem. It just means you have to make more frequent trips to the supermarket.