Welcome to my Safety meeting
What: Every now and then, I have a good day from PT SD and I would love to share my thoughts, Dreams goals, Good days and bad days with YOU..
Who Has PTSD: What if you experienced or witnessed a traumatic event – a car accident, the sudden death of a loved one or a violent assault?
Would you be able to tell if you were suddenly struck by post-traumatic
stress disorder ? Here’s how to recognize its symptoms.
Would you be able to tell if you were suddenly struck by post-traumatic
stress disorder ? Here’s how to recognize its symptoms.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is often associated with people who deal with high-stress situations, such as emergency medical technicians, firefighters, police officers or soldiers. But every person has the potential to be struck by this debilitating anxiety disorder. The loss of a family member, severe injury, losing your job or your home – these are just some circumstances that put you at greater risk for PTSD. Even learning about natural disasters or terrorist attacks on the news can put you at greater risk. Between 8-10% of Americans will experience post-traumatic stress disorder at some point during their lifetime; women are 2 times more likely to experience PTSD than men.
Post-traumatic stress is an anxiety disorder that occurs after someone experiences or witnesses a trauma, usually involving injury or death, with the event causing an initial reaction of fear, helplessness or horror. Later on, the person dwells on the scary occurrence to the point where they can’t get it out of their mind, resulting in symptoms of numbness, avoidance and hyper awareness.
“A lot of people with PTSD say, ‘I feel like a shell of a person, numb, distant, cut off and detached, not only from my own emotions, but from the world around me,”’ says Dr. Sue Varma, a psychiatrist and director of the World Trade Center Mental Health Program.
“A lot of people with PTSD say, ‘I feel like a shell of a person, numb, distant, cut off and detached, not only from my own emotions, but from the world around me,”’ says Dr. Sue Varma, a psychiatrist and director of the World Trade Center Mental Health Program.
The reason we’re all vulnerable to PTSD is because our brains are hardwired to deal with only so much stress. Think about how your body reacts to a scary scene in a movie, or how you physically react if a speeding car suddenly appears while you’re crossing the street. Whether a threat is perceived or real, your heart starts to race, your breathing speeds up, you start to sweat – all signs that the brain’s flight or fight response has been triggered. When trauma occurs beyond the realm of our coping ability, the body’s intricate response system gets stuck in overdrive, putting you at risk for PTSD.
The Neurobiology of PTSD
The amygdala, the almond-shaped neural structure tied to memory and fear-conditioning, plays a critical role in PTSD, along with other parts of the limbic system, the brain’s control panel for emotion, motivation and behavior. Exposure to a stressful event signals the amygdala to switch on the body’s “fear circuit,” which sends response messages to different parts of the body, including the pituitary gland and the adrenal glands, which release the hormone cortisol in response.
The hippocampus, also part of the limbic system, is responsible for shutting down this pathway once the threat has diminished. In PTSD, this intricate system short circuits and can no longer regulate itself.
The hippocampus, also part of the limbic system, is responsible for shutting down this pathway once the threat has diminished. In PTSD, this intricate system short circuits and can no longer regulate itself.
Why? Because my whole life since 8 or 9 years old has been a train wreck until 4 years ago when my son was Born (Trentin)and right now because I now have you to talk to
My point to this blog is to help you help meTalking about it IS the answer!!Hiding it makes it worse
Be opened and honest, if you can't yet thats ok because I can't either
I want to be honest with you and you can be honest with me
With this we will build our lives Bigger and better
God: When I think of God I think of a higher power watching over me and guiding me also with the ones I'v lost(My dad,Step Dad,God father Grandmas and friends
Let's Begin
Today I'm going to focus on my son, which I do everyday but im forgetting all my problems
I love my son more then life it self
My Goal & Focus:
My Conclusion:
My Goal & Focus: I want to focu on my so I have paper work for disabilty to get done and i'm to nervous to wait to get help so i will do my best and try myselfMy Conclusion:Well I did do my paperwork so it sucks but got it done
Today was a bad day for me because I take my son to his fathers house 2 times a week and we stay, I can;t trust to leave my 4 yr old bundle of joy alone there because he isn't watched enough hes not to be trusted ever i mean hes 4 so for that reason i cant let him stay alone
so i'm doing more stuff on my website to try to focus on that
I think you should know that my sons fathers sister was a bitch to me today for no reason, she stopped liking me when i moved in and trentin and his father moved into the apartment upstairs from his mother for its her house and she use to leave her 3 kids there alone so she could go out partying but when we moved in she couldn't hide it anymore so she got pissed and started hating me YES its almost as simple as that, she called me a whore today and i was so pissed i as i was driving out she yelled "whore" i yelled back FUCK- then i stopped myself cause travis mom (travis is my sons father) she was outside.....
cant do this anymore now gotta go for now thanks for listening
PLEASE check out my other links
PTSD~HeartAttack~HIV~Child molesters in your area
Maria's Good Deals~My website to help you have a better life and be stronger and protect the ones you love against rapest~PIGS! and HATERS!!
So Come and join the family of readers~Creators~poems~lovers~and Depression
Welcome to the world of truth!!
Interests $4.99-$20.00 check it out
Avoiding Dangerous Situations
While you can never completely protect yourself from sexual assault, there are some things you can do to help reduce your risk of being assaulted.
- Be aware of your surroundings. Knowing where you are and
- who is around you may help you to find a way to get out of a
- bad situation.
- Try to avoid isolated areas. It is more difficult to get help if
- no one is around.
- Walk with purpose. Even if you don’t know where you are
- going, act like you do.
- Trust your instincts. If a situation or location feels unsafe
- or uncomfortable, it probably isn’t the best place to be.
- Try not to load yourself down with packages or bags as
- this can make you appear more vulnerable.
- Make sure your cell phone is with you and charged and
- that you have cab money.
- Don't allow yourself to be isolated with someone you
- don’t trust or someone you don’t know.
- Avoid putting music headphones in both ears so that
- you can be more aware of your surroundings, especially if
- you
- are walking alone.
Recovering from Sexual Assault
Recovery from sexual assault is a complicated and controversial concept. Some people believe that with counseling and time you can recover completely from a sexual assault. Others maintain that some aspect of a sexual assault will be with the victim of the assault forever. Some argue that recovery is the wrong term because it is associated with illness or disease and that the effects of a sexual assault should not be viewed in such a light. No matter what your perspective on this debate may be, the information provided below may help you think about different aspects of the process following a sexual assault.
You are welcome to share with us as long as you don't hate here
I will not tolerate hating here, we will have decisions that will be a debate and thats ok.. But no hating or I will deny you here with us
My Goal: I hope to build a trust, a bond, strength and a back bone here for all of us... I hope you enjoy communcating here and feel free to let things out , Thats why I'm here to help you help me......
Feeling Fat Today? well you are Perfect just the way you are, If god wanted us to all look the same WE WOULD!!
But if you want to get healthier then check this out!!!!
I love the BOOK for dummies so easy to read and understand!!
Great for PTSD
Great deals here
Make money now~~CLICK this link Now wouldnt it be great to stay home and make monery!!??Feeling Fat Today? well you are Perfect just the way you are, If god wanted us to all look the same WE WOULD!!
But if you want to get healthier then check this out!!!!
We live in maine and for some of us it's real hard to get outside and walk around snow banks
WELL folks the suns out lets make a goal!!
MY GOAL is to loose 10 lbs in 3 weeks
was 185
so lets go walking folks
come on!!
WE can do it
we don't want our kids to go through what we have so bring the kids for daily walks
If you're a home Mom or Dad say "lets go kids we are walking"
start the buddy system
choose a place that has a dead end road so not much traffic
in 3 weeks you WILL LOOSE 10 lbs
I'm doing the protein diet so i should lose a little more without major effort
NEW studies show-green coffee bean,helps you lose weight without extra exercise
7-11-13 UPDATE!!
Eat 2.blueberrys and 3.oats it melts fat away!!
4. Apples
A great grab-on-the-go snack, apples are a fiber-rich food source as well as a great source of pectin, both of which cause the stomach to feel satisfied for longer.

5. Greek Yogurt
Not only is it high in protein, Greek yogurt (in particular) contains live digestive cultures, which boost immune strength and encourage healthy digestion. Plus, you can add yogurt to almost any breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack-sized meal and blast belly bloat in the process.
6. Wild Salmon
A moist and flaky protein and essential fatty acid source, wild salmon filets promote fat loss by decreasing the body’s insulin resistance and balancing blood sugar, which lessens food cravings while encouraging calorie burn.
7. Almonds
Just a handful of this protein-packed nut makes the perfect emergency snack when paired with fruits, veggie sticks, or sprinkled on a salad. It’s not only a metabolism-boosting source of protein; it’s a filling one too!
8. Spinach
Known as a “super food” due to the fact that it’s packed with vitamins and nutrients—like beta carotene, vitamin C, calcium, folate, and magnesium—spinach is the green that goes with anything—salads, omelets, sauces, sandwiches, and smoothies.
9. Chili Pepper
Spicy peppers like the chili contain a particularly metabolism-boosting chemical called capsaicin, which is what gives these spicy suckers their bite!
10. Eggs
Gone are the days when eggs (and yolks) were considered bad for your heart. Sure, you shouldn’t eat them every day, but eggs pack protein, amino acids, and healthy fats that boost metabolism to keep you satisfied and energized.
Great for PTSD
Great deals here
Today I will try to warn you to STAY COOL!! It will be super dangerous today at 95* degrees so please drink water all day,and eat pops, and STAY IN THE
Check these out,wouldn't it be nice to be able to afford one of these baby?? check out these prices, WOW you won't believe what folks are buying to stay cool for 2 months in MAINE well realy like 1 real hot month
Happy Friday I have to take the trash to the dump this morning then try to stay cool with my son and Mom
Please stay safe today I will worry about you all for its dangerous in 95 degree weather
Very Funny weather forecast~& I agree also,Like and subscribe Please
Want a $5000 TAX reduction?? Check it out
Yesterday I had my mother in law lite into me because I heard her yelling saying no one is to touch these shades(window blinds)I was in the other room while hearing that I came out to say these blinds are mine I gave them to T to keep here because the other ones were trashed for they were all ripped up..
I said I'm not putting up with your shit today and she told me to get the F**k out and find your own place to live!!
I said"I have my own place I visit to see T and to let you see Trentin(my son), she said well visit him somewhere else....
Very Funny weather forecast~& I agree also,Like and subscribe Please
Want a $5000 TAX reduction?? Check it out
Yesterday I had my mother in law lite into me because I heard her yelling saying no one is to touch these shades(window blinds)I was in the other room while hearing that I came out to say these blinds are mine I gave them to T to keep here because the other ones were trashed for they were all ripped up..
I said I'm not putting up with your shit today and she told me to get the F**k out and find your own place to live!!
I said"I have my own place I visit to see T and to let you see Trentin(my son), she said well visit him somewhere else....
appologies7-21-13 Monday update
Today I walked into there house to let Trentin e T for an hour and she was up there she said "sorry she was tired"
I couln't believe it she has never said sorry, so the point of this is I think I finaly taought her that I wasnt taking her shit any longer!! so YES STAND YOUR GROUND!!!!!!!
having a bad f~in day I pulled a muscle in my back which I have problems anyways,i'm broke,pissed and unsatisfied
heres what I learned today~
Pulled muscles can be extremely painful and incapacitating. To get back in action quicker, use a combination of rest, medications, and hot or cold therapy. Taking good care of yourself in the initial phase will often shorten the healing process. For severe pain see a doctor to make sure it isn't something more serious. Have a question? Get an answer from a Medical Professional now!
- When a muscle is pulled or strained it has been damaged on the cellular level. Repairing this damage takes time, with the amount of time depending on the extent of the damage. Severe pulls or strains can take weeks to heal. Using the injured muscle during the healing process only serves to tear or destroy the repair efforts of the body. It is a good idea to rest the muscle as much as possible during the healing process to allow the body to repair the muscle with out interference. Continue to rest it for a day or so after the muscle stops hurting, then bring it back to work gradually to allow the repaired muscle to adjust to work.
- A pulled muscle can be painful and often become swollen. Several types of medications can help with these symptoms. For severe strains you should see a physician who can recommend a dose for over the counter products or prescribe medications. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories will reduce pain and lower inflammation. Inflammation can make it harder for the body to repair itself as the areas blood flow is compromised by the over inflated cells. Most non-steroidal, like ibuprofen, are available over the counter.Muscle relaxants and pain medication can also be helpful during the healing process. Muscle relaxants will do just that, relax the muscle which encourages blood flow to the affected area. This type of medication may make you drowsy so read the warnings and follow the precautions. A pain medication, like Tramadol, will not help with the swelling or to relax the muscle but will help alleviate some of the pain making the healing process more bearable.
Ice or Heat
- The use of ice therapy when the initial injury occurs and heat therapy a few days later can be helpful. Applying ice to the area for 20 minutes several times a day can increase blood flow, reduce pain, lower inflammation and speed healing. Ice therapy can be used as many times a day as a person has time for as long as it is for the 20-minute interval; any longer and the cold can start damaging tissue instead of helping. Heat therapy can help break down any remaining damaged cells and will also increase blood flow.